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REI | Go


Strategy & Concept

We all love the outdoors. Yet somehow, life always seems to get in the way of our enjoying a truly serene outdoor experience. With this in mind, REI set out to create an interactive experience with a single goal— Balancing life so we can get out there everyday.


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While uncovering insights we discovered that customers faced three main pain points prohibiting them from enjoying the outdoors. Aside from feeling like that they couldn't make time everyday to enjoy the outdoors, the other main concerns were the ambiguousness as to what, where and when to do it.


Below are sketches from initial brainstorming and vision defining exercises. 

A clean interface most often requires a complex and cluttered back end. When thoroughly breaking down the essence of what's needed and avoiding all nice-to-haves, we were able to design a workflow that was true to concept, yet provided customers with enough options so they weren't frustrated.

