
REI | #OptOutside

Launch Video


Jerry’s Office


There was one Black Friday tradition we chose to keep: Thanksgiving leftovers. Outdoor enthusiasts were sent limited edition supply kits containing freeze-dried holiday staples like turkey, stuffing and apple crisp to take out on the trail. 


Cannes Lions - Grand Prix - Titanium
Cannes Lions - Grand Prix - Promo & Activation
Cannes Lions - Gold - Integrated
Cannes Lions - Gold - Promo & Activation, Integrated Campaign
Cannes Lions - Gold - Direct, Integrated Campaign
Cannes Lions - Gold - Direct, Retail
Cannes Lions - Gold - Cyber, Retail
Cannes Lions - Silver - Design, Social Engagement
Cannes Lions - Silver - PR, Integrated Campaign
Cannes Lions - Silver - Mobile, Campaign
Cannes Lions - Bronze - Mobile, Website
Creativity - #1 Integrated Campaign of 2015
One Show - 2016 Best In Show
One Show - Best In Category - Cross Platform
One Show - Gold - Cross Platform Integrated
One Show - Gold - Cross Platform Experiential
One Show - Gold - Branded Entertainment
One Show - Gold - Mobile
One Show - Silver - Public Relations
One Show - Silver - Digital/Social Media Viral Marketing
One Show - Silver - Branded Website
Clios - Grand Clio - Engagement
Clios - Grand Clio - PR
Clios - Silver - Digital/Mobile
Clios - Silver - PR, Special Event
Andys - Bravery Award
Andys - Silver - Social Media
D&AD - White Pencil - Impact
D&AD - Wood Pencil - Direct Integrated Campaign
D&AD - Wood Pencil - Integrated Mobile Campaign
AICP Next Award - Integrated Campaign
Art Director's Club - Gold - Integrated
Art Directors Club - Gold - Digital Experiences, Guerrilla
IAB MIXX Awards - Best In Show
New York International Advertising Awards - Grand Prize - Integrated/Mixed Media
New York International Advertising Awards - First Prize - Avant-Garde, Innovative